6 Years Sober, My Head in the Clouds, My Feet on Solid Ground

Heather Lowe

I turned 6 years sober yesterday. It was anticlimactic and tranquil. This was a big change from the previous year, when I had an absolute meltdown over my five year milestone.

You can read about it in these blogs:

5 Years Sober, A New Home Inside of Me

5 Years Sober, Here’s What I Wish I Knew on Day 1

5 Years Sober and I Want a Glass of Wine

And all previous annual milestone posts are here:

Reflections on 4 Years Sober

3 Years Sober is Luxury, not Deprivation

Reflections on 2 Years Alcohol Free

I Have An Announcement To Make — 1 Year Sober

I knew my soberthday milestone was coming up, and I was looking forward to it. I am used to feeling an onslaught of dramatic emotions leading up to sober milestones, but this one felt like it was quietly sitting in the background. Happily. Content. Not demanding a lot of attention or fanfare as it has in the past. I know better than to rest on my laurels, so I decided to withhold any conclusions until the day had passed.

As Rumi so eloquently wrote:

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.



Heather Lowe Award Winning Sober Coach
Heather Lowe Award Winning Sober Coach

Written by Heather Lowe Award Winning Sober Coach

FREE SOBER SECRETS GUIDE www.ditchedthedrink.com Certified Recovery and Life Coach, BSW, PHR, Certified Facilitator of Addiction Awareness, SheRecovers Coach

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